Command line tool

smallfish dev

Start the local development mode and the app will launch. Data requests will take precedence over local mock data. In general, the script will be specified in package.json:

  script: {
    dev: 'smallfish dev',

More ways:

  • HMR=7009 smallfish dev : Specify the port. Because smallfish will detect available ports, it is generally not needed.
  • ANALYZE=1 smallfish dev: Generate and open code analysis results after the build is complete, for optimization of code size performance, etc.
  • HMR=none smallfish dev: turn off hot deployment

In the case of development, modifying the file does not need to refresh the page, the page will be hMR hot loaded, but the model, config/app.js, view/**/config.js will be restarted, it may be slower, need refresh page.

smallfish build

Build the code into the dist directory. Can be configured in config/config.js:

  outputPath: './lib', // modify to the ./lib directory

smallfish test

The test/**/*.test.js file under the project is executed automatically.

smallfish lint

Perform code format verification.

  • smallfish lint -- --fix Automatically fix eslint issues.
  • smallfish lint -- --prettier Automates formatting code with prettier.
  • smallfish lint -- --style check contains style files (JS will still check).
  • smallfish lint -- --staged only detects the code to be submitted, it is recommended to configure it in the precommit script.
  • smallfish lint -- --glob [pattern] Specifies the content of the test, for chair, the default is src and test.
  • smallfish lint -- --quiet Does not display warning.

smallfish i18n

Extract the copy in the project and replace it with a placeholder that supports i18n languages.

Coming soon